Tradicionalmente, los científicos nos hemos venido quejando de la poca calidad del trabajo de los periodistas al cubrir noticias científicas. Que si titulares sensacionalistas, que si falta de rigor, que si no se han enterado de la misa la mitad... Una de las consecuencias de la proliferación de medios on-line y, al mismo tiempo, la reducción de plantillas en dichos medios, es que cada vez abunda más un tipo de periodismo que se parece mucho a lo que hacen los blogs al reproducir contenido encontrado en otro sitio. Francamente, no sé quién le copió la idea a quién, si los blogs imitan a los medios o si los medios se están convirtiendo en blogs, pero el caso es que uno termina encontrando el mismo despacho de agencia reproducido (o tan sólo ligeramente editado) en cantidad de diferentes medios. ¿Esto es algo bueno o malo? Para los científicos, cansados de la mala labor de la cadena informativa, supondrá algo bueno, cabe pensar. Hacen un descubrimiento, van a su gabinete de prensa, publican un comunicado a su gusto y dicho comunicado aparece tal cual, o casi, en multitud de medios de comunicación. Ejemplo: Investigadores del Institut Català de Paleontologia(ICP) publican en PNAS el descubrimiento de un fósil homínido. Los redactores de ciencia de los distintos medios procuran estar a loro de lo que se publica en las revistas más importantes, pero, por si acaso, y para darse bombo, la institución involucrada emite su correspondiente nota de prensa. En España tenemos desde hace poco el Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas (SINC), que pretende agrupar todas las noticias científicas producidas, donde encontramos este despacho del ICP. Por si fuera poco, existen las llamadas agencias de noticias que estan vigilando constantemente qué se cuece en el mundo para producir despachos que luego venderán a los medios de comunicación que no hayan podido cubrir de manera directa los acontecimientos. Aquí tenemos el trabajo de Europa Press en este caso. (Ojo, esto fue publicado en su web después de que los medios recogiesen la noticia, y, por tanto, su comunicado original, de pago) Y llegamos a los medios. Aquí, dependiendo de los recursos de cada uno y los intereses editoriales, podrá suceder que: - No haya nadie especializado (o siquiera interesado en ciencia) y la información del descubrimiento llegue únicamente a través de los despachos de agencia, que, cuanto más pequeño sea el medio, o menos interés despierte la noticia en el editor de turno, pasará a ser reproducida tal cual, generalmente cortando los párrafos finales para ajustarse al espacio. La información no periodística pero sí (valga la redundancia) informativa contenida en el comunicado se pierde.
- Medios con redactores interesados en el tema harán una edición propia del comunicado recibido a través de agencias. Pongo por ejemplo el caso de que, si se compara con el comunicado del ICP, veremos que difieren en la posición de los párrafos en el texto, pero apenas en el contenido total. Algo de edición para hacerlo más periodístico, y fuera. Esta gente usa la información de los párrafos finales del comunicado para salpimentar los datos periodísticos y que parezca que han hecho algo de investigación propia. Suelen quedar bien, dependiendo de la calidad del despacho original.
- Medios con redactores especializados en ciencias. Aquí la noticia llega por diferentes vías y hay gente con el tiempo suficiente como para acudir a fuentes primarias y redactar un texto propio. Dependiendo de la pericia / competencia / conocimientos propios sobre el tema / experiencia del redactor, la noticia saldrá bien o con los errores que tanto cabrean a los investigadores. Paleofreak ya ha hecho una selección para este caso.
Es decir, teniendo en cuenta la situación de los medios hoy día, el poder en la cadena de información está cada vez más cerca de las fuentes primarias. Lo que ellas digan es lo que va a salir, sin apenas contrastación. Eso, que en general es malo, me temo que es bien recibido por parte de los científicos (particularmente de las instituciones científicas). Lo malo es que así lo único que se consigue es que salgan en la prensa párrafos como éste: Con anterioridad, se había propuesto que los géneros Griphopithecus y Kenyapithecus, pertenecientes al grupo de los afropitécidos kenyapitecinos y presentes en Eurasia y Africa hace unos 15-14 millones de años, eran el grupo más estrechamente emparentado con los homínidos. Sin embargo, esta hipótesis no se había podido probar debido a que el material fósil disponible era demasiado fragmentario. Muy informativo, sí, si el lector sabe de qué carajo le están hablando, claro. Para eso sirven los periodistas científicos, para leer eso y decidir si es relevante contarlo y, si lo es, cómo contarlo para que la gente se entere de algo. Por eso hacen falta periodistas científicos en los gabinetes de prensa de las instituciones científicas y por eso hacen falta periodistas científicos en los medios de comunicación, para que la información llegue del científico al ciudadano común. Si se salta alguno de estos pasos, si se pierde un eslabón en la cadena, el mensaje simplemente no llega al destinatario, o, peor aún, llega distorsionado.
Referencias (TrackBacks)
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Fecha: 2009-06-04 16:11 |
vamos, que hace falta gente de lo tuyo.
De: Anónima |
Fecha: 2009-06-04 16:27 |
Si, es como dice jose. Esos son los eslabones perdidos que me vais rellenando el PaleoFrak y tú cuando me da por leer noticias de lo vuestro.
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Fecha: 2009-06-08 13:27 |
Hola Maximiliano
he leido muy atentamente tu post, no tengo mucho más que aportar a lo que expones salvo decir que en efecto es verdad que existe un deficit importante de transmisión de la ciencia a nivel popular, esta muy claro que cada vez que se divulga una noticia científica esta lo hace o bien llena de errores por una falta de preparación de aquel que la interpreta o poco elaborada para presentarla a la comunidad lectora sin que esta logre enterarse de nada.
Yo por mi trabajo veo que existe un problema similar aunque a distinto nivel, en acuicultura existe el mismo conflicto, parecen que entre los investigadores y los productores se hablan dos idiomas distintos. Creo que la investigación y su difusión debe ir ajustada al nivel hacia el que va dirigido y adecuarse por tanto a cada uno de los estratos que involucra.
Por descontado que debe haber más periodistas de ciencia en los gabinetes pero tambien más científicos preparados para que esta difusión tenga efecto en los receptores, sino ¿a qué sirviría?, no estoy intentando proponer nada en particular solo resaltar que en la generación de conocimiento es necesario tambien trabajar ¡y mucho!, en su difusión.
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De: gasmil |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:47 |
How to take Nembutal Sodium?
Pursue all headings on your solution name. Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed. Read more this link
Nembutal Sodium might be propensity shaping. Never share this prescription with someone else, particularly somebody with a background marked by medication misuse or enslavement. Keep the medicine in a spot where others can't get to it.
Whatsapp …. +1 (707) 701-3797
Nembutal Sodium is infused into a muscle, or into a vein through an IV. A medicinal services supplier will generally give you this infusion. Where to buy nembutal sodium
You might be told the best way to utilize Nembutal Sodium at home. Try not to give yourself this medication on the off chance that you don't see how to utilize the infusion and appropriately discard needles, IV tubing, and different things utilized. Visit
When infused into a vein, Nembutal Sodium must be given gradually.
Your breathing, circulatory strain, oxygen levels, kidney work, and other essential signs will be observed firmly after you get Nembutal Sodium in a clinic setting.
Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in the event that it has changed hues or has particles in it. Where to buy visit
Utilize an expendable needle and syringe just once. Keep any state or nearby laws about discarding utilized needles and syringes.
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Buy Nembutal Sodium
De: gasmil |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:48 |
How to take Nembutal Sodium?
Pursue all headings on your solution name. Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed. Read more this link
Nembutal Sodium might be propensity shaping. Never share this prescription with someone else, particularly somebody with a background marked by medication misuse or enslavement. Keep the medicine in a spot where others can't get to it.
Whatsapp …. +1 (707) 701-3797
Nembutal Sodium is infused into a muscle, or into a vein through an IV. A medicinal services supplier will generally give you this infusion. Where to buy nembutal sodium
You might be told the best way to utilize Nembutal Sodium at home. Try not to give yourself this medication on the off chance that you don't see how to utilize the infusion and appropriately discard needles, IV tubing, and different things utilized. Visit
When infused into a vein, Nembutal Sodium must be given gradually.
Your breathing, circulatory strain, oxygen levels, kidney work, and other essential signs will be observed firmly after you get Nembutal Sodium in a clinic setting.
Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in the event that it has changed hues or has particles in it. Where to buy visit
Utilize an expendable needle and syringe just once. Keep any state or nearby laws about discarding utilized needles and syringes.
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Buy Nembutal Sodium
De: gasmil |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:50 |
How to take Nembutal Sodium?
Pursue all headings on your solution name. Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed. Read more this link
Nembutal Sodium might be propensity shaping. Never share this prescription with someone else, particularly somebody with a background marked by medication misuse or enslavement. Keep the medicine in a spot where others can't get to it.
Whatsapp …. +1 (707) 701-3797
Nembutal Sodium is infused into a muscle, or into a vein through an IV. A medicinal services supplier will generally give you this infusion. Where to buy nembutal sodium
You might be told the best way to utilize Nembutal Sodium at home. Try not to give yourself this medication on the off chance that you don't see how to utilize the infusion and appropriately discard needles, IV tubing, and different things utilized. Visit
When infused into a vein, Nembutal Sodium must be given gradually.
Your breathing, circulatory strain, oxygen levels, kidney work, and other essential signs will be observed firmly after you get Nembutal Sodium in a clinic setting.
Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in the event that it has changed hues or has particles in it. Where to buy visit
Utilize an expendable needle and syringe just once. Keep any state or nearby laws about discarding utilized needles and syringes.
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Buy Nembutal Sodium
De: gasmil |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:51 |
How to take Nembutal Sodium?
Pursue all headings on your solution name. Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed. Read more this link
Nembutal Sodium might be propensity shaping. Never share this prescription with someone else, particularly somebody with a background marked by medication misuse or enslavement. Keep the medicine in a spot where others can't get to it.
Whatsapp …. +1 (707) 701-3797
Nembutal Sodium is infused into a muscle, or into a vein through an IV. A medicinal services supplier will generally give you this infusion. Where to buy nembutal sodium
You might be told the best way to utilize Nembutal Sodium at home. Try not to give yourself this medication on the off chance that you don't see how to utilize the infusion and appropriately discard needles, IV tubing, and different things utilized. Visit
When infused into a vein, Nembutal Sodium must be given gradually.
Your breathing, circulatory strain, oxygen levels, kidney work, and other essential signs will be observed firmly after you get Nembutal Sodium in a clinic setting.
Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in the event that it has changed hues or has particles in it. Where to buy visit
Utilize an expendable needle and syringe just once. Keep any state or nearby laws about discarding utilized needles and syringes.
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Buy Nembutal Sodium
De: gasmil |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:51 |
How to take Nembutal Sodium?
Pursue all headings on your solution name. Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed. Read more this link
Nembutal Sodium might be propensity shaping. Never share this prescription with someone else, particularly somebody with a background marked by medication misuse or enslavement. Keep the medicine in a spot where others can't get to it.
Whatsapp …. +1 (707) 701-3797
Nembutal Sodium is infused into a muscle, or into a vein through an IV. A medicinal services supplier will generally give you this infusion. Where to buy nembutal sodium
You might be told the best way to utilize Nembutal Sodium at home. Try not to give yourself this medication on the off chance that you don't see how to utilize the infusion and appropriately discard needles, IV tubing, and different things utilized. Visit
When infused into a vein, Nembutal Sodium must be given gradually.
Your breathing, circulatory strain, oxygen levels, kidney work, and other essential signs will be observed firmly after you get Nembutal Sodium in a clinic setting.
Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in the event that it has changed hues or has particles in it. Where to buy visit
Utilize an expendable needle and syringe just once. Keep any state or nearby laws about discarding utilized needles and syringes.
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Buy Nembutal Sodium
De: gasmil |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:52 |
How to take Nembutal Sodium?
Pursue all headings on your solution name. Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed. Read more this link
Nembutal Sodium might be propensity shaping. Never share this prescription with someone else, particularly somebody with a background marked by medication misuse or enslavement. Keep the medicine in a spot where others can't get to it.
Whatsapp …. +1 (707) 701-3797
Nembutal Sodium is infused into a muscle, or into a vein through an IV. A medicinal services supplier will generally give you this infusion. Where to buy nembutal sodium
You might be told the best way to utilize Nembutal Sodium at home. Try not to give yourself this medication on the off chance that you don't see how to utilize the infusion and appropriately discard needles, IV tubing, and different things utilized. Visit
When infused into a vein, Nembutal Sodium must be given gradually.
Your breathing, circulatory strain, oxygen levels, kidney work, and other essential signs will be observed firmly after you get Nembutal Sodium in a clinic setting.
Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in the event that it has changed hues or has particles in it. Where to buy visit
Utilize an expendable needle and syringe just once. Keep any state or nearby laws about discarding utilized needles and syringes.
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Buy Nembutal Sodium
De: gasmil |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:52 |
How to take Nembutal Sodium?
Pursue all headings on your solution name. Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed. Read more this link
Nembutal Sodium might be propensity shaping. Never share this prescription with someone else, particularly somebody with a background marked by medication misuse or enslavement. Keep the medicine in a spot where others can't get to it.
Whatsapp …. +1 (707) 701-3797
Nembutal Sodium is infused into a muscle, or into a vein through an IV. A medicinal services supplier will generally give you this infusion. Where to buy nembutal sodium
You might be told the best way to utilize Nembutal Sodium at home. Try not to give yourself this medication on the off chance that you don't see how to utilize the infusion and appropriately discard needles, IV tubing, and different things utilized. Visit
When infused into a vein, Nembutal Sodium must be given gradually.
Your breathing, circulatory strain, oxygen levels, kidney work, and other essential signs will be observed firmly after you get Nembutal Sodium in a clinic setting.
Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in the event that it has changed hues or has particles in it. Where to buy visit
Utilize an expendable needle and syringe just once. Keep any state or nearby laws about discarding utilized needles and syringes.
a href="“ rel="dofollow">mellow mushroom
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Buy Nembutal Sodium
De: gasmil |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:52 |
How to take Nembutal Sodium?
Pursue all headings on your solution name. Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed. Read more this link
Nembutal Sodium might be propensity shaping. Never share this prescription with someone else, particularly somebody with a background marked by medication misuse or enslavement. Keep the medicine in a spot where others can't get to it.
Whatsapp …. +1 (707) 701-3797
Nembutal Sodium is infused into a muscle, or into a vein through an IV. A medicinal services supplier will generally give you this infusion. Where to buy nembutal sodium
You might be told the best way to utilize Nembutal Sodium at home. Try not to give yourself this medication on the off chance that you don't see how to utilize the infusion and appropriately discard needles, IV tubing, and different things utilized. Visit
When infused into a vein, Nembutal Sodium must be given gradually.
Your breathing, circulatory strain, oxygen levels, kidney work, and other essential signs will be observed firmly after you get Nembutal Sodium in a clinic setting.
Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in the event that it has changed hues or has particles in it. Where to buy visit
Utilize an expendable needle and syringe just once. Keep any state or nearby laws about discarding utilized needles and syringes.
a href="“ rel="dofollow">mellow mushroom
MDMA Crystals
Buy Nembutal Sodium
De: gasmil |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:53 |
How to take Nembutal Sodium?
Pursue all headings on your solution name. Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in bigger or littler sums or for longer than prescribed. Read more this link
Nembutal Sodium might be propensity shaping. Never share this prescription with someone else, particularly somebody with a background marked by medication misuse or enslavement. Keep the medicine in a spot where others can't get to it.
Whatsapp …. +1 (707) 701-3797
Nembutal Sodium is infused into a muscle, or into a vein through an IV. A medicinal services supplier will generally give you this infusion. Where to buy nembutal sodium
You might be told the best way to utilize Nembutal Sodium at home. Try not to give yourself this medication on the off chance that you don't see how to utilize the infusion and appropriately discard needles, IV tubing, and different things utilized. Visit
When infused into a vein, Nembutal Sodium must be given gradually.
Your breathing, circulatory strain, oxygen levels, kidney work, and other essential signs will be observed firmly after you get Nembutal Sodium in a clinic setting.
Try not to utilize Nembutal Sodium in the event that it has changed hues or has particles in it. Where to buy visit
Utilize an expendable needle and syringe just once. Keep any state or nearby laws about discarding utilized needles and syringes.
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Buy Nembutal Sodium
De: Jones |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:58 |
The proof for cannabidiol medical advantages
CBD has been touted for a wide assortment of medical problems, yet the most grounded logical proof is for its adequacy in treating probably the cruelest youth epilepsy disorders, for example, Dravet disorder and Lennox-Gastaut disorder (LGS), which regularly don't react to antiseizure meds. Read more
In various investigations, CBD had the option to diminish the quantity of seizures, and sometimes it had the option to stop them by and large. Visit Recordings of the impacts of CBD on these youngsters and their seizures are promptly accessible on the Internet for survey, and they are very striking.
CBD is regularly used to address tension, and for patients who endure the hopelessness of a sleeping disorder, considers propose that CBD may help with both nodding off and staying unconscious. For more information visit
CBD may offer a possibility for treating various kinds of ceaseless agony. A concentrate from the European Journal of Pain appeared, utilizing a creature model, CBD applied on the skin could assist lower with tormenting and irritation because of joint inflammation.
Another study showed the instrument by which CBD represses fiery and neuropathic torment, two of the most troublesome sorts of ceaseless agony to treat. More concentrate in people is required around there to substantiate the cases of CBD advocates about torment control.
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De: Jones |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:58 |
The proof for cannabidiol medical advantages
CBD has been touted for a wide assortment of medical problems, yet the most grounded logical proof is for its adequacy in treating probably the cruelest youth epilepsy disorders, for example, Dravet disorder and Lennox-Gastaut disorder (LGS), which regularly don't react to antiseizure meds. Read more
In various investigations, CBD had the option to diminish the quantity of seizures, and sometimes it had the option to stop them by and large. Visit Recordings of the impacts of CBD on these youngsters and their seizures are promptly accessible on the Internet for survey, and they are very striking.
CBD is regularly used to address tension, and for patients who endure the hopelessness of a sleeping disorder, considers propose that CBD may help with both nodding off and staying unconscious. For more information visit
CBD may offer a possibility for treating various kinds of ceaseless agony. A concentrate from the European Journal of Pain appeared, utilizing a creature model, CBD applied on the skin could assist lower with tormenting and irritation because of joint inflammation.
Another study showed the instrument by which CBD represses fiery and neuropathic torment, two of the most troublesome sorts of ceaseless agony to treat. More concentrate in people is required around there to substantiate the cases of CBD advocates about torment control.
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De: Jones |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 21:59 |
The proof for cannabidiol medical advantages
CBD has been touted for a wide assortment of medical problems, yet the most grounded logical proof is for its adequacy in treating probably the cruelest youth epilepsy disorders, for example, Dravet disorder and Lennox-Gastaut disorder (LGS), which regularly don't react to antiseizure meds. Read more
In various investigations, CBD had the option to diminish the quantity of seizures, and sometimes it had the option to stop them by and large. Visit Recordings of the impacts of CBD on these youngsters and their seizures are promptly accessible on the Internet for survey, and they are very striking.
CBD is regularly used to address tension, and for patients who endure the hopelessness of a sleeping disorder, considers propose that CBD may help with both nodding off and staying unconscious. For more information visit
CBD may offer a possibility for treating various kinds of ceaseless agony. A concentrate from the European Journal of Pain appeared, utilizing a creature model, CBD applied on the skin could assist lower with tormenting and irritation because of joint inflammation.
Another study showed the instrument by which CBD represses fiery and neuropathic torment, two of the most troublesome sorts of ceaseless agony to treat. More concentrate in people is required around there to substantiate the cases of CBD advocates about torment control.
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De: Jones |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 22:00 |
The proof for cannabidiol medical advantages
CBD has been touted for a wide assortment of medical problems, yet the most grounded logical proof is for its adequacy in treating probably the cruelest youth epilepsy disorders, for example, Dravet disorder and Lennox-Gastaut disorder (LGS), which regularly don't react to antiseizure meds. Read more
In various investigations, CBD had the option to diminish the quantity of seizures, and sometimes it had the option to stop them by and large. Visit Recordings of the impacts of CBD on these youngsters and their seizures are promptly accessible on the Internet for survey, and they are very striking.
CBD is regularly used to address tension, and for patients who endure the hopelessness of a sleeping disorder, considers propose that CBD may help with both nodding off and staying unconscious. For more information visit
CBD may offer a possibility for treating various kinds of ceaseless agony. A concentrate from the European Journal of Pain appeared, utilizing a creature model, CBD applied on the skin could assist lower with tormenting and irritation because of joint inflammation.
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De: Jones |
Fecha: 2019-11-04 22:01 |
The proof for cannabidiol medical advantages
CBD has been touted for a wide assortment of medical problems, yet the most grounded logical proof is for its adequacy in treating probably the cruelest youth epilepsy disorders, for example, Dravet disorder and Lennox-Gastaut disorder (LGS), which regularly don't react to antiseizure meds. Read more
In various investigations, CBD had the option to diminish the quantity of seizures, and sometimes it had the option to stop them by and large. Visit Recordings of the impacts of CBD on these youngsters and their seizures are promptly accessible on the Internet for survey, and they are very striking.
CBD is regularly used to address tension, and for patients who endure the hopelessness of a sleeping disorder, considers propose that CBD may help with both nodding off and staying unconscious. For more information visit
CBD may offer a possibility for treating various kinds of ceaseless agony. A concentrate from the European Journal of Pain appeared, utilizing a creature model, CBD applied on the skin could assist lower with tormenting and irritation because of joint inflammation.
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De: rolandjohn |
Fecha: 2019-11-06 08:24 |
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De: daisy |
Fecha: 2019-11-14 07:57 |
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De: Akun Pro |
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Fecha: 2019-11-15 12:13 |
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De: Hilala |
Fecha: 2019-11-16 03:21 |
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Fecha: 2019-11-17 08:50 |
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